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效果: b{<qt}) G\G TS}u[ 3D Text <uUQ-]QOIh 以下是一个用了blur滤镜而另一个没用的叠加效果 /PG+ s6 km2('t7? Ttop.cn Ttop.cn }r$&"wYM $E3-</ f Glass Text }#'wy 这个是两个都用了alpha滤镜的效果 k\$))<3 Vy0s%k Ttop.cnTtop.cn P:h;" `<!Nk^2ap Inner Shadow ,gGIkl& 这个是先用了一段白色的文字,再加了mask()滤镜,再用了shadow()滤镜,最后加入chroma()滤镜形成后一段字体,放在前一段文字的相对left: -200px位置上形成的。 D7|[:`` OJiW@Z_\ Ttop.cnTtop.cn _@9[c9bO \"Z^{Y[,; Outline Text Q\Dx/?g!vx 用mask, glow and chroma三个滤镜联合作用 ^Gt&c_gH P'.MwS Ttop.cn )9F-h8
&" 51j5AbFQ" 与Marquee的完美结合 )[RLCZ www.Ttop.cnwww.Ttop.cn $U%M]_ Y,Dd}an 源代码: hw! l{yv !z">aIj\6 <style type="text/css"> _DsA<SJ] <!-- m ;-FP 2~ .sample 873$EiyXR font-style: italic; font-family: arial black;font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold; cursor: hand; hkV;(Fr&z JPQWRK^ --> n^aSio6 </style> VP0q?lh <title>Css不朽的经典—3D文字特效</title> e??tp]PLn <div> gGF]Dq <h2>3D Text</h2> )_bc:6Q <p>以下是一个用了blur滤镜而另一个没用的叠加效果</p> (:9yeP1 <p onClick="alert(this.innerHTML)"> <span class="sample" HJ#3wk "W style="width: 200px; height: 70; color: black; filter: Blur(Add=0, Direction=135, Strength=10);" R_9 &V!fl >Ttop.cn</span><span class="sample" t8X$M;$ style="position: relative; left: -201; top: -15; width: 200; color: #2984ff;"> qLrvKoEX2 Ttop.cn</span> </p> )9/.K'o,dy <h2>Glass Text</h2> sF9{(Us <p>这个是两个都用了alpha滤镜的效果</p> <0lXJqd <p onClick="alert(this.innerHTML)"> <span class="sample" F6>K FU8 style="width: 200px; height: 70; color: lightskyblue; filter: Alpha(Opacity=60) Blur(Add=0, Direction=135, Strength=20);" 1ocd$)B|} >Ttop.cn</span><span class="sample" >tF3|:\ style="position: relative; left: -201; top: -15; width: 200; color: lightskyblue; filter: Alpha(Opacity=60);" ]0
N'Wtbn >Ttop.cn</span> </p> *u
L Ooq <h2>Inner Shadow</h2> HI iMq'H^ <p>这个是先用了一段白色的文字,再加了mask()滤镜,再用了shadow()滤镜,最后加入chroma()滤镜形成后一段字体,放在前一段文字的相对left: LX<arHz -200px位置上形成的。</p> ?%RAX CK <p onClick="alert(this.innerHTML)"> <span class="sample" L8OW@)| style="width: 200px; height: 70; color: white;" Oi#4|*b{W >Ttop.cn</span><span class="sample" rP4v_?Zg+ style="width: 200px; height: 70; position: relative; left: -200; filter: mask(color=red) shadow(direction=135) chroma(color=red);" 5cc;8i >Ttop.cn</span> </p> 0$=Uhi
<h2>Outline Text</h2> Y~I$goT <p>用mask, glow and chroma三个滤镜联合作用</p> nc<wDE6 <p onClick="alert(this.innerHTML)"> <span class="sample" style="width: 200px; height: 70; filter: mask(color=red) glow(color=black, strength=1) chroma(color=red);">Ttop.cn</span> </p> ~ZrSoVP= <h2>与Marquee的完美结合</h2> /#mq*kNIM6 <p onClick="alert(this.innerHTML)"> <span class="sample" {
'A`ram style="width:320px; height: 70; color: black; filter: Blur(Add=0, Direction=135, Strength=10);" y{
&k`H ><marquee width:300 height:70 scrollamount="1" behavior="alternate" class="sample">www.Ttop.cn</marquee></span> L'i0|_ <span class="sample" Q6>7{\8l style="position: relative; left: -320; top: -15; width: 320; color: #2984ff;"> nsT]Yxo%M <marquee width:320 height:70 scrollamount="1" behavior="alternate" class="sample">www.Ttop.cn</marquee></span> </p> [tN^)c`s/ </div>
[楼 主]
Posted: 2006-04-05 09:03 |
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