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效果: =V[uXm =l/6-j^ 3D Text WMSJU/-P 以下是一个用了blur滤镜而另一个没用的叠加效果 # ]7Lieh[5 ;2p+i/sVj Ttop.cn Ttop.cn _)M,p@!?=h #c^V% Glass Text Vw;Z0_C 这个是两个都用了alpha滤镜的效果 R4m{D Zt `Tg7m Ttop.cnTtop.cn D 2X_Yv O
G`8::S Inner Shadow <+`%=r)4 这个是先用了一段白色的文字,再加了mask()滤镜,再用了shadow()滤镜,最后加入chroma()滤镜形成后一段字体,放在前一段文字的相对left: -200px位置上形成的。 Gv:~P_vBH[ t`Kbm''d[ Ttop.cnTtop.cn
`o[l%I\Q b 7UJ Outline Text apvcWF% 用mask, glow and chroma三个滤镜联合作用 3k
Ci5C '![oLy Ttop.cn |#oS7oV( # B `?}a= 与Marquee的完美结合 ekM?
'9ez www.Ttop.cnwww.Ttop.cn T(b9b,ov) v pI9TG 源代码: vgz`+Zj*S YR%iZ"`*+O <style type="text/css"> $v^hzC <!-- %TB(E<p` .sample RK3 yq$ font-style: italic; font-family: arial black;font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold; cursor: hand; wQ}r/2n|^ .E4*>@M5 --> z _!ut </style> *ByHTd <title>Css不朽的经典—3D文字特效</title> 5/meH[R\M <div> i"8mrWb <h2>3D Text</h2> Ey6R/M)?:y <p>以下是一个用了blur滤镜而另一个没用的叠加效果</p> ;nY#
/%f <p onClick="alert(this.innerHTML)"> <span class="sample"
bGRt style="width: 200px; height: 70; color: black; filter: Blur(Add=0, Direction=135, Strength=10);" Dl,QCZeM >Ttop.cn</span><span class="sample" %uW=kr style="position: relative; left: -201; top: -15; width: 200; color: #2984ff;"> YeH!v, > Ttop.cn</span> </p> F:{*4b <h2>Glass Text</h2> Gp"GTP
T{ <p>这个是两个都用了alpha滤镜的效果</p> tFN >]`Z <p onClick="alert(this.innerHTML)"> <span class="sample" ,:_c-d# style="width: 200px; height: 70; color: lightskyblue; filter: Alpha(Opacity=60) Blur(Add=0, Direction=135, Strength=20);" R4?>C-; >Ttop.cn</span><span class="sample" 4aW@c<-r? style="position: relative; left: -201; top: -15; width: 200; color: lightskyblue; filter: Alpha(Opacity=60);" P4zo[R%4 >Ttop.cn</span> </p>
]hl*6 <h2>Inner Shadow</h2> >)><u4} <p>这个是先用了一段白色的文字,再加了mask()滤镜,再用了shadow()滤镜,最后加入chroma()滤镜形成后一段字体,放在前一段文字的相对left: 8tY>%A~^z -200px位置上形成的。</p> rK3kg2H <p onClick="alert(this.innerHTML)"> <span class="sample" .@1+}0 style="width: 200px; height: 70; color: white;" h`[$
Bp >Ttop.cn</span><span class="sample" *~rj!N?; style="width: 200px; height: 70; position: relative; left: -200; filter: mask(color=red) shadow(direction=135) chroma(color=red);" mScv7S~/s >Ttop.cn</span> </p> .)Tj}Im2p <h2>Outline Text</h2> )SV
.| <p>用mask, glow and chroma三个滤镜联合作用</p> WI8}_){ d <p onClick="alert(this.innerHTML)"> <span class="sample" style="width: 200px; height: 70; filter: mask(color=red) glow(color=black, strength=1) chroma(color=red);">Ttop.cn</span> </p> J-W9B amx <h2>与Marquee的完美结合</h2> /:dLqyQ_V <p onClick="alert(this.innerHTML)"> <span class="sample" 'yo@5*x7 style="width:320px; height: 70; color: black; filter: Blur(Add=0, Direction=135, Strength=10);" UwN Vvo ><marquee width:300 height:70 scrollamount="1" behavior="alternate" class="sample">www.Ttop.cn</marquee></span> m5Bf<E,c <span class="sample" $|4@Zx4vf style="position: relative; left: -320; top: -15; width: 320; color: #2984ff;"> ^r}c&@ <marquee width:320 height:70 scrollamount="1" behavior="alternate" class="sample">www.Ttop.cn</marquee></span> </p> NvK9L.K </div>
[楼 主]
Posted: 2006-04-05 09:03 |
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