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smartmontools (smartctl and smartd) - SMART
The smartmontools package contains two utility programs (smartctl and smartd) to control and monitor storage systems using the Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology System (SMART) built into most modern ATA and SCSI hard disks. In many cases, these utilities will provide advanced warning of disk degradation and failure.
Smartmontools is derived from the smartsuite package, and includes support for ATA/ATAPI-3 to -7 disks and SCSI disk and tape devices. It should run on any modern Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Solaris, and Windows system.
CVS repository
SourceForge's Project Page
smartmontools contains utility programs (smartctl, smartd) to control/monitor storage systems using the Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology System (S.M.A.R.T.) built into most modern ATA and SCSI disks. It is derived from smartsuite.
Latest File Releases Package Version Date smartmontools 5.30 March 5, 2004
Project: S.M.A.R.T. Monitoring Tools: File List
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 301019 Mar 7 21:00 smartmontools-5.30-1.i386.rpm -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 360349 Mar 7 21:01 smartmontools-5.30.tar.gz
rpm -ivh smartmontools-5.30-1.i386.rpm rpm -Uvh smartmontools-5.30-1.i386.rpm
# rpm -Uvh smartmontools-5.30-1.i386.rpm Preparing... ########################################### [100%] Note that you can use a configuration file /etc/smartd.conf to control the startup behavior of the smartd daemon. See man 8 smartd for details. 1:smartmontools ########################################### [100%] Run "/etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd start" to start smartd service now. Run "/sbin/chkconfig --add smartd", to start smartd service on system boot
./configure make make install
% smartctl -a /dev/hdc
=== START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Device Model: ST310212A Serial Number: 3EG08JSY Firmware Version: 3.02 Device is: Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall] ATA Version is: 5 ATA Standard is: Exact ATA specification draft version not indicated Local Time is: Thu Apr 8 00:40:34 2004 CST SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability. SMART support is: Enabled
=== START OF READ SMART DATA SECTION === SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
General SMART Values: ...... Error logging capability: (0x01) Error logging supported. No General Purpose Logging support.
SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16
SMART Error Log Version: 1 No Errors Logged
% smartctl -a /dev/hda
=== START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Device Model: ST36531A Serial Number: GSA24696 Firmware Version: 3.11 Device is: Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall] ATA Version is: 4 ATA Standard is: Exact ATA specification draft version not indicated Local Time is: Thu Apr 8 00:43:01 2004 CST SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability. SMART support is: Enabled
Error logging capability: (0x00) Error logging NOT supported. No General Purpose Logging support.
% smartctl -a /dev/hdc
=== START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Device Model: ST380021A Serial Number: 3HV0961T Firmware Version: 3.10 Device is: In smartctl database [for details use: -P show] ATA Version is: 5 ATA Standard is: Exact ATA specification draft version not indicated Local Time is: Wed Apr 7 23:58:51 2004 CST SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability. SMART support is: Enabled
SMART Error Log Version: 1 No Errors Logged
% smartctl -a /dev/hda
=== START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Device Model: Maxtor 6Y120L0 Serial Number: Y40R2XJE Firmware Version: YAR41BW0 Device is: In smartctl database [for details use: -P show] ATA Version is: 7 ATA Standard is: ATA/ATAPI-7 T13 1532D revision 0 Local Time is: Wed Apr 7 23:56:28 2004 CST SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability. SMART support is: Enabled
SMART Error Log Version: 1 Warning: ATA error count 68 inconsistent with error log pointer 5
ATA Error Count: 68 (device log contains only the most recent five errors)
Timestamp = decimal seconds since the previous disk power-on. Note: timestamp "wraps" after 2^32 msec = 49.710 days.
Error 68 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 2218 hours When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was in an unknown state.
After command completion occurred, registers were: ER ST SC SN CL CH DH -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 40 51 2c 2d bc 71 e2 Error: UNC 44 sectors at LBA = 0x0271bc2d = 41008173
Commands leading to the command that caused the error were: CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC Timestamp Command/Feature_Name -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --------- -------------------- c8 00 68 2d bc 71 e2 08 706260.864 READ DMA c8 00 70 25 bc 71 e2 08 706259.808 READ DMA c8 00 78 1d bc 71 e2 08 706258.752 READ DMA c8 00 80 15 bc 71 e2 08 706257.664 READ DMA c8 00 80 95 bb 71 e2 08 706257.664 READ DMA
life so hard
UCSC SMART suite controls and monitors storage devices using the Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology System(S.M.A.R.T.) build into ATA and SCSI Hard Drives. This is used to check the reliability of the hard drive and predict drive failures.
Latest File Releases Package Version Date smartsuite 2.1 September 12, 2001
Tel:0519-89991155 企业QQ:4006023839 5y6s Inc.
[楼 主]
Posted: 2008-06-25 04:46 |
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