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另存为 给执行的权限 -"nYCF 'Qfy+_0 #!/bin/sh -'V
T # this program is used to check tcp/ip connections e.kt]l # and block those ip with excessive connections He*L"VpWv _k@l-Bj # my version 5(|ud)v myver="1.0RC1" ZT8j9zs X5yh S # wake up every 120s if last check found abuse client ;Dgp
!*v= wakeup_time_min=120 Y'~&%|9+T [aC9vEso! # wake up every 300s if last check found no abuse client )K6{_~Kc\ wakeup_time_max=300 xr2:bu LYFvzw>M # rule timeout 3600s H}~^,B2; rule_timeout=3600 *Wa u
7 ]>,|v,i
= # check port list 1mV0AE538 portlist="80" TExlGAHo+O OY#_0p)i # max established connection per ip pk4&-iu9 max_active_conn=8 Oe!&Jma*> !;a<E
: # iptables chain name eH8.O iptables_chain_name="RH-Lokkit-0-50-INPUT" d!:SoZ Qa%SvA@R # log facility A&'%ou log_facility="local0" ZB%~> AF}"
# Block policy :\OvVS/ ipchains_block_policy="DENY" nSiNSLv iptables_block_policy="REJECT" x TZ5q*Hqx 4Ccb!? # myself IycxRig myself=`basename $0` Gp+XM Se`N5hQ mylogger_info() 8|GpfW3p2 { WRyL
pTr- logger -p $ -t $myself $@ 2>/dev/null `.g8JC\_m } CK</2 w+ 9(WC#-, mylogger_debug() `qz5rPyZ { GcCs}
(eo logger -p $log_facility.debug -t $myself $@ 2>/dev/null Nk4_! }
5qEdN mylogger_notice() {;DZ@2| { 2*YXm>
|1 logger -p $log_facility.notice -t $myself $@ 2>/dev/null jt--w"|-r } x^2/jUc#B @F^L4 N': dotimeout() Ue:T3jp3% { eb@Lh! mylogger_info "reset firewall when timeout arrives" re J?38( case "$firewall" in x{V>(d'p ipchains) [frD
L) /etc/init.d/ipchains restart 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null 86F+N_>Z if [ $? = 0 ] ; then 7`@?3? mylogger_info "ipchains restarted" E]?HCRa5R else d}cJ5!d mylogger_notice "ipchains restart failed" K0=E4>z,`q fi mm<iT59 ;; 7h/Q;P5 iptables) g
'a? /etc/init.d/iptables restart 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null =w$"wzc if [ $? = 0 ] ; then z2V8NUn mylogger_info "iptables restarted" k]9> V@C else 0a6z"K} mylogger_notice "iptables restart failed" Z*)Y:tk)b fi 6x,=SW@4 ;; ~<[5uZIo *) @/NZ>. mylogger_notice "neither ipchains nor iptables" [HiTR !o* ;; ||ZufFO esac 0+y~RTAVB <O)X89dFM } JgKZ;GM:W eEGcio}_I9 blockclient() 3=|2Gs?ut { aa%&& if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]; then [d~bZS|(T( mylogger_notice "blockclient() missing client or port to block" z "$d5XR return "mK i$FV fi =/QU$[7X( local ip port (s@tU>4U
{%~4RZA ip=$1 #Q7x:,f port=$2 4J
51i*` ^C)T M@+
case "$firewall" in ME@6.* ipchains) :htq%gPex9 mylogger_notice "blocking $1 to $2 via ipchains" J1Ki2I= found=`ipchains -nL | egrep "^$ipchains_block_policy.*[[:space:]]+$ip[[:space:]]+.*[[:space:]]+\->[[:space:]]+$port"` eQaxZMU if [ -z "$found" ] ; then >"<k8wn cmd="ipchains -I input 1 -p tcp -s $ip -d 0/0 $port -j $ipchains_block_policy 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null" 1LId_vJtJ mylogger_debug "cmd: $cmd" Ao,!z `ipchains -I input 1 -p tcp -s $ip -d 0/0 $port -j $ipchains_block_policy 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null` fw|+7 O if [ $? != 0 ] ; then T'b/]&0Tio mylogger_notice "$cmd call failed" %::deV7 return 6+B{4OY fi =i^<a7M~ new_block=1 KA-/k@1& ever_block=1 N>pmhskN? else c6Aut`dK mylogger_info "$ip already blocked to $port" ^L-w(r62< fi :IR9=nhS] ;; y
B4H3Q ) iptables) pba8=Z mylogger_notice "blocking $1 to $2 via iptables" Vl 19Md found=`iptables -nL | egrep "^$iptables_block_policy.*[[:space:]]+$ip[[:space:]]+.*[[:space:]]+dpt:$port[[:space:]]+"` 4OOn, 09 if [ -z "$found" ] ; then JYg% ~tW' cmd="iptables -I $iptables_chain_name 1 -p tcp -m tcp -s $ip --dport $port -j $iptables_block_policy 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null" %`?;V;{= mylogger_debug "cmd: $cmd" 9XoQO 9*Q `iptables -I $iptables_chain_name 1 -p tcp -m tcp -s $ip --dport $port -j $iptables_block_policy 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null` phgexAq if [ $? != 0 ] ; then W[>iJJwz mylogger_notice "$cmd call failed"
4j@i% return x9)aBB fi BU9J_rCIv new_block=1 R>d@tr ever_block=1 )W`SC mr] else HUJ|-)"dw mylogger_info "$ip already blocked to $port" OpK.Lsd0y fi /BMtcCPG! ;; @GG(7r\/B *) <8rgtu!VU mylogger_notice "neither ipchains nor iptables" OQ(D5GR:4 ;; LZM,QQ esac zb5N,!%r } ':\fl.b WHUT/:?f restartservice() dh^+l;!L { [dj5$l|
local service PMgQxM*h if [ -z "$1" ] ; then M%$DT mylogger_notice "no port given to see which service to be restart" I?a8h`WS+ return co5y"yj_ fi F#(.v7
Za _i3i HR? case "$1" in |l|_dn 80) V43nws"4 service="httpd" tTotPPZf} ;; 'nRp}s1^[ 25) n6b3E* service="postfix" cYGRy,'gH ;; M
h`CP 110) dQ:
zZ service="courier-pop3d" Kb}MF9?:e ;; 6Wj@r!u 21) n0_B(997* service="muddleftpd" ~&1KrUu& ;; ezp<@'0ZT 53) hM~eJv service="named" U,e'ZRU6 ;; #wr2imG6 3306) U\Ct/U&A? service="mysqld" j"5Pe ;; 1e/L\Y=m esac !g8*r"[UJ if [ ! -z "$service" ] ; then [*Q-nZ/L /etc/init.d/$service restart 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null UxyY<H~Wx if [ $? = 0 ] ; then Y;} 2'" mylogger_notice "$service restarted" @rF/]UJ else e#.\^
mylogger_notice "$service restart failed" gI)u}JX fi lX"b N=E?! fi <
kz[:n: } &&WDo(r3 Km,*)X.-5 docheckport() B| tzF0;c { H'EY)s Hi mylogger_info "do check port $1" atyu/+U'} local port last_client count client total_count \^& tjj^O%SV< if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
(= 9wo mylogger_notice "docheckport() port not given" aVwH return gz;&u) fi yyP'Z~0 Ra[>P _ port=$1 cD2+hp|9 n_P3\Y| clientlist=`netstat -an --tcp| grep ESTABLISHED | awk "{ if ( index(\\$4,\":$port\") ) print \\$5}" | awk -F ':' '{print $1}'|sort` 'z5h3J if [ $? != 0 ] ; then \tx%WC mylogger_notice "netstat call failed" v0#*X5
C1' return QL97WK\$ fi +{$QAjW(/ #echo $clientlist rQJ"&CapT # reset new_block |CIC$2u new_block=0 y\'P3ihK count=0 M4KWN' total_count=0 iY~rne"l last_client="" 5wT>N46UX for client in $clientlist J[@u m: do BAV>o|-K #echo "client is $client" .VM3D0aV if [ -z "$last_client" ] ; then UXH"si: count=$((count+1)) 8uch i total_count=$((total_count+1)) L9FHgl? last_client=$client "NzD1k6.L else }T.?c9l X if [ "$client" = "$last_client" ] ; then )R?;M count=$((count+1)) {2
%aCCV total_count=$((total_count+1)) p'f%%#I else B$vr'U
mylogger_debug "$last_client $count connections" o>?*X(+le if [ $count -ge $max_active_conn ] ; then 0Fw6Dq<8-! mylogger_notice "client $last_client connection $count >= $max_active_conn" &aG*k* blockclient $last_client $port zhblLBpeE\ fi 2c(aO[%h9 count=1 A8DFm{})c total_count=$((total_count+1)) ,v9f~qh last_client=$client R Oc`BH= fi j_cs;G: " fi "TS done e3(/qMl # check the last client JkQ\)^5v if [ ! -z "$client" ] ; then ~1kXUWq3 count=$((count+1)) 5x8+xw3Eh total_count=$((total_count+1)) 9z>z3,ftN mylogger_debug "$client $count connections" Uf\nFB? ^ if [ $count -ge $max_active_conn ] ; then ^tH#YlV4>9 mylogger_notice "client $client connection $count >= $max_active_conn" MJ{%4S{K,p blockclient $client $port Ts$@s^S] fi ut2~rRiK fi Vz=auM1xZ mylogger_info "total connections on port $port: $total_count" >vbY<HGt D
w<k3zaW if [ $new_block = 1 ] ; then \G|%Zw| restartservice $port .dMVoG5 fi a->3`c } lB91An M~Ttb29{ docheckall() Ro(Zmk\t { U_G gCI) # reset wakeup_time KhbYr$ wakeup_time=$wakeup_time_max ~]C%/gEh for port in $portlist V5F%_,No do v
*-0M docheckport $port RoGwK*j0+ if [ $new_block = 1 ] ; then q@hzo>[ # set wakeup_time shorter cause we found some abuse client 2{Vcb wakeup_time=$wakeup_time_min }Z-Z|G)# fi $Fkaa<9;P done %V9ZyQg%* } 7Z ;?b0W :r#)z4d5 if [ -z "$firewall" ] && [ -f /etc/sysconfig/ipchains ] ; then 0& >H^ firewall="ipchains" CIU1R; fi 8K(Z0 Q\ /uKQ if [ -z "$firewall" ] && [ -f /etc/sysconfig/iptables ] ; then X$%
4$ firewall="iptables" .MQ^( fi ui q^|5Z 'r1LSht' if [ -z "$firewall" ] ; then 8r"+bhGx~ echo "Error: This machine does not have ipchains or iptables firewall support" tCxF~L@ exit 1 Twn4lG4~ fi )-*5v
D KL$bqgc(p3 mylogger_info " v$myver starting" 1I@8A>2^OX mylogger_info "Firewall is: $firewall" Hbv6_H mylogger_info "Port protected: $portlist" T91moRv mylogger_info "Max connection per ip: $max_active_conn" u:0aM}9A mylogger_info "Min time to check: $wakeup_time_min""s" Ookh<ES> mylogger_info "Max time to check: $wakeup_time_max""s" "ju6XdZ
o mylogger_info "Timeout circle: $rule_timeout""s" ()&~@1U mylogger_info "Output is logged to: $log_facility" CLvX!O(~ pTIf@n6I # if new ip blocked at this check run? p<=$
&* new_block=0 L(&&26Y # if new ip blocked at this timeout run? ca+5=+X7 ever_block=0 F:x [ # reset wakeup_time z5ij(RE] wakeup_time=$wakeup_time_max 2UGsYQn TB0
5?F lasttime=`date +%s` mI 74x3 [ pz"0J_xDM while [ 1 ] p/+a=Yo do *6q5S4 r curtime=`date +%s` /?SLdW timediff=$((curtime-lasttime)) 5\z`-)
#echo "timediff: $timediff" wI(M^8F_Mf if [ $timediff -ge $rule_timeout ] && [ $ever_block = 1 ] ; then *}P~P$q% lasttime=$curtime g +z1 ever_block=0 <)1qt
9 dotimeout 82l~G;.n3 fi HTG%t/S docheckall wmTb97o mylogger_info "sleep for $wakeup_time""s" =?!wXOg_ sleep $wakeup_time \ Yx/(e done `nu''B
H \-g)T}g,I <7~'; K
nrjE.+v 1. 说明 GWfL firewall.sh是一个shell脚本程序,每隔一段时间检查tcp连接的统计信息,如果来自某个ip对某个端口的活动连接超过规定的最大数量, vam;4vyu 则自动将该IP对该端口的访问屏蔽,并重新启动相应的服务。再每隔一段时间,会重设防火墙到初始状态。
$ ` "" 该程序可以同时保护多个端口 *WuID2cOI Z.L c>7o 2. 安装 :=Nz}mUV tar zxf firewall-1.0b.tar.gz o2F)%T DY cd firewall-1.0b {z{bY\ install -m 700 /usr/prima/sbin/ .6Pw|xu`Pw ,5h)x"s 3. 配置 DW[N|-L 主要配置项目如下: rbWP78 # 最小检查周期,缺省为120秒 *_d7E
( 1ukTA@Rj& # 最大检查周期,缺省为300秒 s*. hl.k. wakeup_time_max=600 5j?3a1l0 C&(N
I # 重设防火墙状态的时间,缺省为3600秒 ``hf=
`We rule_timeout=3600 D9H?:pmv?
"y}-- # 保护的端口列表,缺省为80和25,支持的其他端口包括21(ftp), 110(pop3), 53(named), 3306(mysql) pOIJH =# # 一般的网络攻击都是针对80和25,又以80居多 k
5'Vy8q portlist="80 25" vg32y /l]S u 7>],< # 每个ip可占用的最大活动(Established)连接数 Q' {ML4 max_active_conn=8 Yi.N& | |