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另存为 给执行的权限 '$5.{o`s*1 <A"T_Rk #!/bin/sh EhEUkZE3) # this program is used to check tcp/ip connections `yjHLg # and block those ip with excessive connections '@Zau\xC -ZTe#@J # my version P@gVzx)M myver="1.0RC1" #cG7h(
! mv7><C # wake up every 120s if last check found abuse client s>=DfE-;" wakeup_time_min=120 9H@I<`qGC tx$kD2 # wake up every 300s if last check found no abuse client 7Ao9MF- wakeup_time_max=300 hdL/zW7] QEK RAPw # rule timeout 3600s #cB=](N rule_timeout=3600 uFseO9F.2 e):jQite
# check port list ZLsfF
=/G portlist="80" /.Yf&
h^; # max established connection per ip \;al@yC=T max_active_conn=8 mR3
)$! :}QBrd # iptables chain name $XBn:0U
iptables_chain_name="RH-Lokkit-0-50-INPUT" ]V|rOt xb H .F-mm # log facility y v6V1gK log_facility="local0" ~}uv4;0l]
Bw;gl^:UG # Block policy 6f"jl ipchains_block_policy="DENY" Q5[x2 s_ d iptables_block_policy="REJECT" M^q< qS>d nz{
;]U1 # myself #w%d
myself=`basename $0` B,Pbm|U1 r]e1a\)r mylogger_info() 75@!j[QL< { oXC|q-(C logger -p $ -t $myself $@ 2>/dev/null 1D*oXE9Ig } 9((BOq Xk9mJ]31LC mylogger_debug() i D6f/|g {
Nk.m$ logger -p $log_facility.debug -t $myself $@ 2>/dev/null ^Rr!YnEN } 2C6o?*RjyY v'Y0|9c mylogger_notice() :n#8/'%1 { ;(&$Iw9X logger -p $log_facility.notice -t $myself $@ 2>/dev/null WqX$;'}h } 0+-"9pED>E ae%Bl[ dotimeout() Yfbo=yk { \ltbiDP2 mylogger_info "reset firewall when timeout arrives" ~Q+E" " case "$firewall" in '99rXw ipchains) d}RU-uiW /etc/init.d/ipchains restart 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null F"-u8in` if [ $? = 0 ] ; then {[
|je]3v mylogger_info "ipchains restarted" >PYLk{q else ?\Bm>p%+ mylogger_notice "ipchains restart failed" MG}rvzn@
fi D`Cy]j ;; Ub,5~I+` iptables) n 3eLIA{ /etc/init.d/iptables restart 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null <r>1W~bp.q if [ $? = 0 ] ; then `{oFdvL~) mylogger_info "iptables restarted" s![Di else whW%c8 mylogger_notice "iptables restart failed" Jkx_5kk/\ fi .5^7Jwh ;; B>;`$- *) . ),Fdrg mylogger_notice "neither ipchains nor iptables" MaS-*;BY, ;; <eh<4_<qF esac ;RW0Dn)Q RM3"8J } a5k![sw\ W9rmAQjn blockclient() J a7yq{j { vNDf1B5z if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]; then ,%T
sfB mylogger_notice "blockclient() missing client or port to block" Xk(p:^ R return :^En\YcU fi pwg\b local ip port 8x`EUJ sTu]C +A ip=$1 ="('
#o port=$2 Z [YSET vnx+1T case "$firewall" in `]I p`_{ ipchains) {O!B8a
mylogger_notice "blocking $1 to $2 via ipchains" Tg@:mw5 found=`ipchains -nL | egrep "^$ipchains_block_policy.*[[:space:]]+$ip[[:space:]]+.*[[:space:]]+\->[[:space:]]+$port"` SUb:0GUa if [ -z "$found" ] ; then !y&<IT(\4 cmd="ipchains -I input 1 -p tcp -s $ip -d 0/0 $port -j $ipchains_block_policy 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null" 0i>>CvAl} mylogger_debug "cmd: $cmd" }vEMG-sxX `ipchains -I input 1 -p tcp -s $ip -d 0/0 $port -j $ipchains_block_policy 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null` &9ERlZ(A if [ $? != 0 ] ; then c=f;3N mylogger_notice "$cmd call failed" 2Ah B)8bG return cS%;JV>C
fi >ra)4huZ new_block=1 ^4C
djMF-E ever_block=1 he|.Ow else 0V+v)\4FE mylogger_info "$ip already blocked to $port" }_oQg_-7e fi 0"l`M5-KP ;; &<EixDi4q iptables) VKcVwq mylogger_notice "blocking $1 to $2 via iptables" )C$pjjo/` found=`iptables -nL | egrep "^$iptables_block_policy.*[[:space:]]+$ip[[:space:]]+.*[[:space:]]+dpt:$port[[:space:]]+"` lvH} 8lJ if [ -z "$found" ] ; then i|xC#
hV cmd="iptables -I $iptables_chain_name 1 -p tcp -m tcp -s $ip --dport $port -j $iptables_block_policy 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null" a(AYY<g mylogger_debug "cmd: $cmd" g'NR
\<6A `iptables -I $iptables_chain_name 1 -p tcp -m tcp -s $ip --dport $port -j $iptables_block_policy 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null` MxqIB(5k if [ $? != 0 ] ; then Prr
z> mylogger_notice "$cmd call failed" c#Qlr{ES return {$I1(DYN fi @CS%=tE}U new_block=1 ?>NX}~2cf ever_block=1 U
U3o (Yq else p@eW*tE mylogger_info "$ip already blocked to $port" mM'uRhO+ fi i.gagb ;; 9?uU%9r5P *) P} w0= mylogger_notice "neither ipchains nor iptables" MaZVGrcC ;; ,M Ugw
w!. esac I7+yu> } :464~tHI[` A#gy[.Bb restartservice() !1#=j;N`
{ q!WiX|P local service jP.dQj^j& if [ -z "$1" ] ; then _opB,,G mylogger_notice "no port given to see which service to be restart" #Eqx Eo; return Bqw/\Lxwlf fi WH<\f|xR (8(P12l case "$1" in `We?j7O 80) MAD t$_ service="httpd" +A1xqOB ;; \"P$*y4Le 25) j07b!j:"\} service="postfix" cHJ4[x= ;; |Ew&. fgz 110) !T.yv5ge' service="courier-pop3d" tcD5"ALJ ;; :/6u*HwZh 21) Vq
S1n service="muddleftpd" %1rN6A!% ;; eIbz`|%3 53) >[<f\BN| service="named" ,#hNHFa'JH ;; HG3iK 3306) nMOXy\&mI service="mysqld" UW&K\P ;; c
LfPSA esac Dk}txw}# if [ ! -z "$service" ] ; then 6>[J^k%~w) /etc/init.d/$service restart 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null G5UNW<P2C if [ $? = 0 ] ; then %V92q0XW mylogger_notice "$service restarted" )jMk~;'r else +XAM2uN5_. mylogger_notice "$service restart failed" RA}Y$ }^#' fi a lyA#zao| fi wpOM~!9R } \o5/, C FB
O_B docheckport() >viLvDng { X + B=?|M mylogger_info "do check port $1" 2lxA/.f local port last_client count client total_count C+0BV~7J<< >t4<2|!(M if [ -z "$1" ] ; then :~~\{fm mylogger_notice "docheckport() port not given" B
Wzo|isv return $~r=I[5'
( fi 1(/rg ki]i[cdk port=$1 ,DCrh
k KXcE@q9 clientlist=`netstat -an --tcp| grep ESTABLISHED | awk "{ if ( index(\\$4,\":$port\") ) print \\$5}" | awk -F ':' '{print $1}'|sort` cB2~W%H if [ $? != 0 ] ; then 6g"qwW
Zp mylogger_notice "netstat call failed" )Nl xW5 return K?=g
IC: fi -\g@s@5 #echo $clientlist ]GzfU'fOn| # reset new_block #$JY&!M new_block=0 =@.5J'! count=0 df9$k0Fx total_count=0 $3(E0\#O last_client="" vH{JLN2 for client in $clientlist +P=I4-?eX do )"s(;kU! #echo "client is $client" O_Z if [ -z "$last_client" ] ; then %Pk@`t (3 count=$((count+1)) NJ(H$tB@ total_count=$((total_count+1)) CjU?3Ag last_client=$client |]OI)w* else vVH*\&H\T if [ "$client" = "$last_client" ] ; then rv%^2h<& count=$((count+1)) I(+%`{Wv total_count=$((total_count+1)) %F] :nk` else `^
uX`M/ mylogger_debug "$last_client $count connections" qa5 T(:8 if [ $count -ge $max_active_conn ] ; then #mc6;TRZO mylogger_notice "client $last_client connection $count >= $max_active_conn" vFsl]|<;8 blockclient $last_client $port t/a fi ,kE"M1W count=1 ;V4f6[<]'z total_count=$((total_count+1))
+'9eo%3O last_client=$client ]}BT'fky# fi f_ UwIP fi P6;Cohfh done ,%,.c^- # check the last client u'aWvN y+ if [ ! -z "$client" ] ; then r<-@.$lf count=$((count+1)) /` 4B-Y4M4 total_count=$((total_count+1)) [HQ Bx`3TS mylogger_debug "$client $count connections" ?a` $Y>?h if [ $count -ge $max_active_conn ] ; then iPt{v5}] mylogger_notice "client $client connection $count >= $max_active_conn" S{c;n*xf blockclient $client $port 3H@29TrJ+ fi 6#1:2ZHKG fi `rI[ mylogger_info "total connections on port $port: $total_count" 3ypf_]< rqYx\i? if [ $new_block = 1 ] ; then x|<89o
L restartservice $port 'A9U[| fi %B-m- =gz } Zcxj.F(, 1IV
R4:a docheckall() g+M& _n { R%^AW2 # reset wakeup_time }A'Ro/n wakeup_time=$wakeup_time_max V2
_I=]p_ for port in $portlist b0R{cj=<[ do +
+G%~)S: docheckport $port XpibI3:< if [ $new_block = 1 ] ; then RT+_e # set wakeup_time shorter cause we found some abuse client ELQc:
-2 wakeup_time=$wakeup_time_min cp<jwcc! fi +K03yphZr done LjMhPzCp } }?XNA.Wz My JG2C#R if [ -z "$firewall" ] && [ -f /etc/sysconfig/ipchains ] ; then >PMLjXK firewall="ipchains" 9V( esveq fi Ba /^CS o!ycVY$yW if [ -z "$firewall" ] && [ -f /etc/sysconfig/iptables ] ; then 'ai!6[|SD firewall="iptables" ~7Jj\@68 fi 3WQ"3^G Wg
?P" if [ -z "$firewall" ] ; then t`y*oRy echo "Error: This machine does not have ipchains or iptables firewall support" JypXQC}~ exit 1 N"q C-h fi 6`l7saHXE T&PLvyBL mylogger_info " v$myver starting" {r2fIj~V mylogger_info "Firewall is: $firewall" a#G]5TZ mylogger_info "Port protected: $portlist" njN]0l{p mylogger_info "Max connection per ip: $max_active_conn" %:WM]dc mylogger_info "Min time to check: $wakeup_time_min""s" <UMT:`h1MZ mylogger_info "Max time to check: $wakeup_time_max""s" {-
?8r> mylogger_info "Timeout circle: $rule_timeout""s" 8x9$6HO mylogger_info "Output is logged to: $log_facility" e=%6\&q ]~A<Q{ # if new ip blocked at this check run? Z2x% new_block=0 XTOZ]H*^ # if new ip blocked at this timeout run? b
R;Zc ever_block=0 `DPR >dd@ # reset wakeup_time $ZOKB9QccC wakeup_time=$wakeup_time_max 1KtPq, 8K/o / lasttime=`date +%s` :&oUI&(o )"o+wSI1 while [ 1 ] |rbl sL2?Z do +#d}3^_] curtime=`date +%s` ttK`*Ng timediff=$((curtime-lasttime)) r\-25F<e5 #echo "timediff: $timediff" r
7mg>3 if [ $timediff -ge $rule_timeout ] && [ $ever_block = 1 ] ; then &PAgab2$ lasttime=$curtime 1xkU;no ever_block=0 9C{\=?e; dotimeout *KXg;777 fi qWzzUM1= docheckall {vJ)!'Eh mylogger_info "sleep for $wakeup_time""s" {&Bpf
K;`) sleep $wakeup_time ,OQ!lI_`R done weOzs]uc %YaUc{.% ;^,2
Qs M ]/+qM)F 1. 说明 Z-{!Z;T)z firewall.sh是一个shell脚本程序,每隔一段时间检查tcp连接的统计信息,如果来自某个ip对某个端口的活动连接超过规定的最大数量, /I'n] 则自动将该IP对该端口的访问屏蔽,并重新启动相应的服务。再每隔一段时间,会重设防火墙到初始状态。 }bv0~}G4 该程序可以同时保护多个端口 yt&eY6Xp 6rnehv!p 2. 安装 |-zwl8E tar zxf firewall-1.0b.tar.gz #&1Y!kbdd cd firewall-1.0b %}=$HwN) install -m 700 /usr/prima/sbin/ 9@yP;{Q bmAgB}Ior 3. 配置 {I|k@ 主要配置项目如下: v}IP%84 # 最小检查周期,缺省为120秒 G5Ci"0 wakeup_time_min=120
bH41#B y0qE::/H$ # 最大检查周期,缺省为300秒 NEO~|B*oDU wakeup_time_max=600 Siw9_c LoG@(g&) # 重设防火墙状态的时间,缺省为3600秒 F.=uJdl.! rule_timeout=3600 qD\%8l.]Z co3H=#2a # 保护的端口列表,缺省为80和25,支持的其他端口包括21(ftp), 110(pop3), 53(named), 3306(mysql) &1Fcwj # 一般的网络攻击都是针对80和25,又以80居多 7atYWz~yG portlist="80 25" !9"R4~4 P:k(=CzZ@J # 每个ip可占用的最大活动(Established)连接数 +^+wS`Y max_active_conn=8 #|XEBOmsQ SEchF"KJQF # iptables防火墙规则链名称,必须和/etc/sysconfig/iptables中一致 W7A'5 # 如果用的是ipchains,可以忽略此项 fnnwe2aso iptables_chain_name="RH-Lokkit-0-50-INPUT" T *t$ 7IJb$af:; # 日志输出目标 29ft!R>[ log_facility="local0" ,:\2Lf qd|*vE **** 关于检查周期 **** >q &ouVE 程序定义了两个检查周期,如果上次检查中屏蔽了某个IP,则程序会更频繁地检查连接情况,反之则等待更长时间。通过检查周期 3R#<9
O 的动态调整,可以有效调度在遭受攻击和正常状态下程序的运行次数。 ,f?#i%EF& z3*G(, **** ipchains vs iptables **** C6"!'6 W 目前该程序支持ipchains和iptables两种软件防火墙,使用何种是由程序启动时自动检测的。如果/etc/sysconfig/ipchains和 K[sM)_I /etc/sysconfig/iptables都没有检测到,则报错退出。 T
P)ZSxU **** 日志输出 **** aJ)5 DlfLR 程序的输出信息记录在系统日志中,目标是local0。如果没有特殊配置,可以在/var/log/messages中看到。建议在/etc/syslog.conf M<$l&%<`G 中加入一条: ,Vs:Lle local0.* /var/log/firewall.log Ee|+uQ981> 然后重新启动syslog ^LU[{HZV /etc/init.d/syslog restart +~fu-%,k 这样,可以将firewall.sh输出的日志单独记到文件/var/log/firewall.log里。 'c$9[|x #8z\i2I 4. 运行 `f'q / /usr/prima/sbin/ & 3N*Shzusbt #P9VX5Tg 范例输出: Awh"SUOh0 *** v1.0b*** %9D@W*Z Firewall is: ipchains I@S<D"af Port protected: 80 25 \
QMSka> Max connection per ip: 8 blN1Q%m6 Min time to check: 120s .4Ny4CMHZ Max time to check: 300s _uu:)% Timeout circle: 3600s R]Yhuo9,&n Output is logged to: local0 z>0"T2W
y @iP6N 察看/var/log/firewall.log,可以看到: ZkIQ-;wx Oct 16 14:08:55 server do check port 80 // 检查80端口 y^A$bTQq Oct 16 14:08:55 server 2 connections // 有两个来自192.168.0.60的连接 $($SQZK& Oct 16 14:08:55 server total connections on port 80: 2 // 80端口总共2个连接 j&Aq^aI Oct 16 14:08:55 server do check port 25 // 检查25端口 >eTlew<5 Oct 16 14:08:55 server total connections on port 25: 0 // 25端口没有连接 <M7*N. Oct 16 14:08:55 server sleep for 300s // 等待300秒 0@Ijk(| <di_2hN 5. 停止 9>#|~P&FE 先用ps命令察看firewall.sh进程的进程号,然后用kill命令将其终止,如 ;gMh]$|" # ps auxww|grep }gW}Vr < root 27932 0.0 0.5 2312 1060 pts/2 S 12:38 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/prima/sbin/ uf^:3{1 root 27967 0.0 0.3 1732 592 pts/2 S 12:39 0:00 grep V3o AZ34) 第一行即firewall.sh的进程,用kill命令: eI}VH BAz # kill 27932 ]2(c$R
[1] Terminated /usr/prima/sbin/ ifs
*-f 即将其终止
Tel:0519-89991155 企业QQ:4006023839 5y6s Inc.
[楼 主]
Posted: 2008-01-26 02:12 |
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